Seriously where are the parents in this day just walked down 3rd avenue in Seattle and again one of the regulars (drug using alcohol drinking no job but got money from my pimp crowd) had gotten into an argument with another one. Nothing unusual about this except that they then dumped a disabled lady out of her electric wheel chair and onto the curb. When i left the ambulance, fire trucks, and police were there sorting it out. Luckily some bystanders grabbed the two that where fighting and held them for the police and i mean held them as in physically restrained the one. I think that this hug a thug stuff in Seattle needs to take a long cruise and never come back. This all happened with a huge crowd of tourists in town. I wonder how long it will be before the cruise industry takes there boats north to Bellingham or Everett where the tourists have less chance of being mugged or stabbed. So i want to send a big thank you out to queen Christine and mayor Mc Shwinn what is next to lose Boeing???