Tuesday, May 17, 2011

dogs in park

Sunshine in Settle. Lunch in the park, we are sitting in Westlake Park waiting for the line at Dog in the Park to go down, perfect spring day but 4 the breeze and the cooler than usual temperatures. A group of people just started a chess game on the big chess set, it is fun to watch the younger kids as they observe the game. Little children are eating with there parents and walking thru the fountain feature hope they have towels. It is a quiet Tuesday afternoon so far very few of the regular kids are hanging out. The sidewalks can still be walked on with  out having to have a crossing guard and no bike or foot patrols yet, hopefully it will stay this quiet. Walked from Westlake over to the Slut and road it to Lake Union the new park here is beautiful. I can't wait for warmer weather can sit over here and watch the remote controlled boats as they are driven in the pond.