Saturday, May 28, 2011

home smelly home

Seriously i  went out this morning to enjoy the sunshine. When i got back to my apartment to get the cord for my laptop, i had to walk threw some serious  marijuana  smoke.  Now i understand that some people have medical marijuana but my understanding is that it is for your use alone not to invite three or four people over to have a party. I also think that if you have the medical kind you should keep your windows shut and block the door to a common hallway to prevent the smell from bothering another person. This comes under the heading of respect and courtesy to others some thing i see in very short supply in this area of town. When you live in an apartment community you need to remember that hallways are common areas and need to be treated as such if it is a no smoking building then keep the smoke outside of the building. If it is a drug and alcohol free floor do not bring drugs and alcohol on the floor. Simple common sense really so try it some time.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

lost in space & time: y?

lost in space & time: y?: " Seriously where are the parents in this day just walked down 3rd avenue in Seattle and again one of the regulars (drug using alcohol drin..."


   Seriously where are the parents in this day just walked down 3rd avenue in Seattle and again one of the regulars (drug using alcohol drinking no job but got money from my pimp crowd) had gotten into an argument with another one. Nothing unusual about this except that they then dumped a disabled lady out of her electric wheel chair and onto the curb. When i left the ambulance,  fire trucks, and police were there sorting it out.  Luckily some bystanders grabbed the two that where fighting and held them for the police and i mean held them as in physically restrained the one. I think that this hug a thug stuff in Seattle needs to take a long cruise and never come back. This all happened with a huge crowd of tourists in town. I wonder how long it will be before the cruise industry takes there boats north to Bellingham or Everett where the tourists have less chance of being mugged or stabbed. So i want to send a big thank you out to queen Christine and mayor Mc Shwinn what is next to lose Boeing???

Thursday, May 19, 2011

sun means stupidity on the rise

   So the sun has been out for the last 4 days and the stupidity is on the rise in Seattle. I seriously think that living in this city should come with a warning to be especially watchful after numerous sunny days because they have no idea how to behave. There was another shooting in downtown today, luckily no one was hurt but  a passenger in the bus was grazed. This followed 2 drive by's last night and the shooting in the chest of a young man that they think is gang related. I am so thankful that i was raised to respect guns and to also understand that you shoot clay pigeons and food but not humans unless they are a direct threat to your safety it is time for the hug a thug ding bats to get a clue and stop the insanity before these thugs get to firm a hold of this city

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

dogs in park

Sunshine in Settle. Lunch in the park, we are sitting in Westlake Park waiting for the line at Dog in the Park to go down, perfect spring day but 4 the breeze and the cooler than usual temperatures. A group of people just started a chess game on the big chess set, it is fun to watch the younger kids as they observe the game. Little children are eating with there parents and walking thru the fountain feature hope they have towels. It is a quiet Tuesday afternoon so far very few of the regular kids are hanging out. The sidewalks can still be walked on with  out having to have a crossing guard and no bike or foot patrols yet, hopefully it will stay this quiet. Walked from Westlake over to the Slut and road it to Lake Union the new park here is beautiful. I can't wait for warmer weather can sit over here and watch the remote controlled boats as they are driven in the pond.

Monday, May 16, 2011

pike and pine

can we just move the downtown police station here would make it so much easier

business as usual

6:40 pm 3rd and Virginia WRC thugs drugs alcohol does any one have the number to Clean Scapes lots to pick up


So i am really wanting spring but after the chaos that happened over the weekend i think it should stay cool 4 a while. I can actually enter and exit my building without having to use a flagger to move pedestrians out of the way. I always assumed that a sidewalk was to go to and from a destination not a congregation place for hours on end. Since moving to Belltown i have learned this was a mistaken assumption, bus stop shelters are simply places to drink and use drugs.