Sunday, February 10, 2013

Doney update

Hooman n I have decided to use this blog to update everyone about the good work the vets and volunteers do each clinic. We r also going to feature one of the anipals each week so every one can get to know those of us who would not b happy or healthy with out the time donated by the vets, vet techs and volunteers. We also will give shout outs to the business' and individuals who donate supplies to us. I am going to have hooman post links to the twitter accounts, Facebook page and the web page so you can read about us and stay in contact that way. Hooman started a hang out on google plus too. I hope you enjoy the many wonderful stories from each of me pals and their hooman care takers.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

izzzz back

Hi all da hooman is feeling so much better she can now keep up with all my requirements. So today was spent veging in a sun puddle. Hung out watching traffic and laughing at da crazy antics of da hoomans here. Hope all my fur friends are staying cool and hydrated in dis heat if you's wants i has air and cool evening weather come to my house

Saturday, July 2, 2011


   Had supper with a friend who is part of share network tonight and they are again going to run out of bus tickets. Now i  do understand that there are some people who do not have money and need tickets to get to the shelters but seriously over 3/4 of the people in share shelters are there because they have a hard time following rules and staying in housing when they get it. It further upsets me when a bout 1/2 of them are getting ssi and/or disability but choose to spend the money and cigarettes, drugs and alcohol with no repercussions. So i am of the mind set that i need to go picket the mayors house ad a few of the council members so i can get free bus tickets so i can spend my money on stuff with out any repercussions.

Thursday, June 30, 2011


I went for a stroll today momma took me to the market 4 my banana and her doughnut.  As she was navigating the crowd we realized there were less of the weekly visitors to teh park and sitting on the street corner's. We stopped so i could visit with some people that were from Esteline as we were going back towards Westlake and did not c the group that usually sits by Starbucks and plays the hillbilly music with the washboard, jug and saw accompanied by bango and guitar. When we asked where every one was it was to learn that they had started to move south. I sure will miss the puppies i normally see on my strolls but i guess it is a good week to exercise your freedom of movement to make a choice to find a warmer place to live that might have housing and jobs good luck and safe travels.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

home smelly home

Seriously i  went out this morning to enjoy the sunshine. When i got back to my apartment to get the cord for my laptop, i had to walk threw some serious  marijuana  smoke.  Now i understand that some people have medical marijuana but my understanding is that it is for your use alone not to invite three or four people over to have a party. I also think that if you have the medical kind you should keep your windows shut and block the door to a common hallway to prevent the smell from bothering another person. This comes under the heading of respect and courtesy to others some thing i see in very short supply in this area of town. When you live in an apartment community you need to remember that hallways are common areas and need to be treated as such if it is a no smoking building then keep the smoke outside of the building. If it is a drug and alcohol free floor do not bring drugs and alcohol on the floor. Simple common sense really so try it some time.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

lost in space & time: y?

lost in space & time: y?: " Seriously where are the parents in this day just walked down 3rd avenue in Seattle and again one of the regulars (drug using alcohol drin..."


   Seriously where are the parents in this day just walked down 3rd avenue in Seattle and again one of the regulars (drug using alcohol drinking no job but got money from my pimp crowd) had gotten into an argument with another one. Nothing unusual about this except that they then dumped a disabled lady out of her electric wheel chair and onto the curb. When i left the ambulance,  fire trucks, and police were there sorting it out.  Luckily some bystanders grabbed the two that where fighting and held them for the police and i mean held them as in physically restrained the one. I think that this hug a thug stuff in Seattle needs to take a long cruise and never come back. This all happened with a huge crowd of tourists in town. I wonder how long it will be before the cruise industry takes there boats north to Bellingham or Everett where the tourists have less chance of being mugged or stabbed. So i want to send a big thank you out to queen Christine and mayor Mc Shwinn what is next to lose Boeing???